Saturday, January 3, 2009

Terrariums: a little green in a white winter

Claire and I made a few terrariums just before Christmas. We made one for each of her teachers and a couple for us too. I think they looked really nice and I want to make some more as soon as I can find more appropriate glass containers at Goodwill. Here are a couple of photos of our work in progress and also the finished product.

Here's Claire doing the decorative work. She was in charge of putting down the layers of rock and charcoal at the bottom of the container and she also put the decorative rocks around the plants. I put down a painters plastic drop cloth in the kitchen and we made a big mess which was easily carried right outside when we were finished.


Here are the finished products:


The two on the right were given away and the other two are growing quite well in our house. I want to make a few more terrariums before we move. I think that the terrariums may be a good way for us to bring some green into our lives in a way that is compatible with four cats. The glass Ball jar has a small conifer and moss in it that I dug up in the backyard. The other three containers were planted using miniature tropical plants from my favorite local garden store.

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