Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Schmetz Universal Needles

The Schmetz web site has a ton of information on its products. I found this information on needle size helpful for determining which size of the universal type needle to purchase for my projects. I also stumbled across the description of the wing needle while browsing the Schmetz site. Two of my classmates in the pattern fitting class used the wing needle to create subtle but very beautiful lines of embellishment on their shirts. The wing needle creates this embellishment by pushing the fabric's woven threads apart and when you have a woven fabric (without stretch) this opening remains. This stitch would look particularly nice on linen fabric. There are some nice images of wing needle stitching here.

Schmetz Universal Needles


I've had a little time to think about the comment from UK lass in US and I'm still not sure how I feel about the comment or my editing of my post to tone down my comment about the dollhouse pattern. Backlinks allow bloggers to keep track of who is linking to your blog and what they are saying about you. One opinion that I have is that this tool is born out of paranoia. I sometimes think that if you post something on the internet, especially with the label "tutorial" you've got to take the lumps that come with the notoriety of having people link to it and use it. I'm not selling travel dollhouses so who gives a rip whether I understood the instructions or not. So why did I edit the comment? Freak out factor. But now I have a what-the-hell attitude. It wasn't like I got a cease and desist letter from Martha Stewart's attorney. So was UK lass in US genuinely interested in what my difficulty was or did she just want me to clean up the post? Who knows, tone is difficult to gauge in an electronic communication. I'm not going to quit posting the links for the projects that I complete - the link needs to be there to give credit to the creator - but I'm also not going to censor my content. The primary purpose of this blog is to have a fun, creative conversation with my family any other readers are gravy.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Local goodness

Billies Designer Fabrics
510 N Market Blvd, Chehalis, WA 98532

Add this store to my list of local sources of sewing and felting supplies. I was in this shop twice this week to purchase thread for my serger. Claire's preschool teacher asked me to work on a project for the Christmas festivities and I needed some expert advise on rolled hems. The more I sew and the more I shop for sewing supplies, the more I am convinced that you get what you pay for. Living better through local shopping will be my mantra in 2009. I know I can get thread cheaper at JoAnn's but the employees there don't have the time, or sometimes even the knowledge to help with a project's particulars. I can walk into Billie's with a list and tick off item after item and get directed right to the item and get an explanation of its use.

I urge everyone to use their power as consumers to support good local businesses. I can't remember the last time I shopped at Wal-Mart and I feel much better for it.